Invited to be Chinese and Foreign Projects Curator by Freies Museum Berlin, Germany, 3 /2014.

Join Chinese artist Kong Ning’s “Green Desert” performance arts project in China, 4 /2013.

Invited to be a Chinese Project Curator by Studio International, the arts magazine, and jointly to be the co-curator of “Moving Beyond”, a Contemporary Chinese arts exhibition in Edinburgh Festival, 8 / 2012.
Interviewed by Chinese International Radio, 4 / 2012.

Invited to attend Dubai International Literature Festival and holding a solo reading, 3 /2011.

Holding a readings in University of Sussex, 10 /2010.

Holding readings in Harvard University, Amherst College and Bard College during the reading tour in USA, 7 -- 8 / 2009.

Invited to attend Vilenica International Literature Festival and holding a reading, in the festival, Slovenia, 8 / 2008.

Holding a reading in Cove Park Arts Centre, Scotland. 7 / 2006.

Holding a work shop in the series of events held by Exiled Ink, London, UK. 10/2005.
Launching Ghost Tide in New Zealand Embassy to London, London, UK. 07/2005.
TV Interviewed by Australian ABC, Australia. 05/2005.
Sydney Writers Festival: Readings, Discussions and launching Ghost Tide.05/2005.
Reading and lecture in the series of Chinese Writers in London, SOAS, London, UK. 05/2005.

“British Association for Chinese Studies” Annual Meeting 2000 in London, UK (Sept)
“Writing Diasporas” Literature Festival of Wales, Swansea, UK (Sept)
Reading in Eton College, Windsor, UK. 10/2000.

Stoke Newington Festival, London, UK (June)
DAAD, Berlin, Germany (May)
“The Word” Literature Festival of London, U.K. (March)

University of Vienna, Austria (December)

Wuppertal, Germany – “V. Else-Lasker-Schuler-Forum Exil Flucht in die Freiheit Shanghai”

Olaf Palme International Centre, Sweden Breaking the Barriers: Chinese Literature facing The World

Stuttgart Kulturfestival, Germany
Universities of Marburg, Heidleburg, Tubingen, Bonn, Germany
Munchen Litterature House, Germany
Villa Aurora, Institute for European-American Relations, California, USA
Amherst College, Massachussets, USA
Zurich Theatre House, Switzerland
Basel City Library, Switzerland