Nonino International Literature Prize 2012
Winner of Flaiano International Prize for Poetry, 1999
Literary and Academic Awards and Scholarships
Visiting Professor of Lecture “Philosophy and Poetry” in European Graduated School (EGS), Saas Fee, Switzerland.
2004 – 2005:
Grant Awarded, Writer in Residency in Cove Park, Scotland, UK.
Visiting Professor of “Capstone Course”, Bard College, Up State of New York, USA.
Poet in Residency in University of Auckland, Auckland, New Zealand.
Grant Awarded, Writer in Residency in Villa Waldberta, Munich, Germany.
Grant Awarded, Writer in Residency in Taipei City, Taipei, Taiwan.
Grant Awarded, Writer in Residency in Taipei City, Taipei, Taiwan.
Winner of Flaiano International Prize for Poetry, 1999.
Winner of the title “Poetry Book Society Recommende Translation” for Where the Sea Stands Still, the collection of poems published by Bloodaxe Books, 1999.
Grant Awarded, Writer in Residency in Literarisches Colloquium, Berlin, Germany.
Grant Awarded, Poet in Residency in M.E.E.T. ,Saint Nazaire, France.
Grant Awarded, Poet in Residency in Kunstlerhaus Schloss Wiepersdorf, Germany.
Poet in Residency in Yaddo arts colony, New York, USA.
Grant Awarded, Writer in Residency in Civitella Ranieri Center, Italiy (USA).
Grat Awarded, Writer in Residency in Bellagio Center, Italy (USA).
1994 -- 1995:
Grant Awarded, Writer in Residency in Akdemie Schloss Solitude, Germany.
Poet in Residency in Yaddo arts colony, New York, USA.
Grant Awarded, Copeland Fellow in Amherst College, MA. USA.
Grant Awarded, Writer in Residency in School of Asian Studies, University of Sydney, Australia.
Poet in Residency in Yaddo arts colony, New York, USA.
Grant Awarded, Writer in Residency in Beiliner Kunsterprogramm, Deutscher Akademischer Auustauschdienst (DAAD), Beilin, Germany.
1989 – 1990:
Grant Awarded, Visiting Scholar in Department of Asian Languages and literatures, University of Auckland, New Zealand.
1988 – 1989:
Grant Awarded, Visiting Poet to Austrian Arts Council, Australia.