12 Storkwinkel, Berlin
death’s play has twisted your features no longer people
remember one cry of a frail child’s laughter and dread
the entranceway is empty the tree is a column of incense
September is escorting the whole world’s gold coins
follow a common eccentricity and polish the brass numbers
a staircase scenario an exaggerated hat in a room
an unexceptional age stands tall and straight
pinching the ocean to pieces, the wind waits blood never children’s stories
only the restored virtue of the dead still walks the road home
withered blades of falling leaves quietly cut down the autumn
one letter’s unexceptional lies your names
slyly swap with ours the ghost is an old photograph
masterpieces know all too well how to cook human faults
touch up a star chart in the hollows of the children’s palms
whoever hides in the sound of the wind never fall again into black oysters of feet
die now a poem is the only address worth resurrecting